Poverty under Drought: a case study on an agro-pastoral village in Keerqin Sandy Land
Why environment became a major factor for rural poverty
Poverty reduction in rural
n The achievement would be attributed to the rapid economic development, especially the rapid industrialization and intensive agriculture. In the process, villagers suffered not only the environment deterioration, but also the environmental conservation policies.
n Climate variability (someone believe it is climate change) has produced problems to rural livelihood (agricultural production, livestock husbandry and villagers daily life) by drought in arid and semi arid area of
n 3The extremely poor concentrated on the regions with deteriorated environment.
Location of the case
Sandy land area in east
Rely on mixture of crop farming and livestock husbandry;
How their livelihood improved before 2004?
Farmland reclaiming was the major factor for their livelihood improving.
n More farmland with more crop yields;
n With the income from farmland, more animals were fed;
n Income increased and debts were repaid.
Stopping of farmland reclaiming because of drought
Desertification caused by farmland reclaiming in the drought period (since 2004).
The area is a sandy land, and the farmland reclaiming took out of the surface vegetation and then rapidly in desertification. Government issued regulation to stop farmland development. Each person was allocated 8 mu (about half ha.) of farmland in late 1990s and strictly followed in early 2000s.
How the drought affected crop farming
n Shifting farming was replaced by cultivating same farmland every year.
n Rain-fed farming was replaced by irrigate farming;
n Early spring plant was replaced by late spring plants.
n Cost increasing;
n Output reducing;
n Income from crop farming decreased. Villagers relied more on livestock husbandry.
How the drought affect livestock Husbandry
Population of livestock reduced and cost increased. Because:
• out put of pasture reduced;
• mowing pasture were no longer to be used;
• straw was less than before;
• low pregnant rate for sheep and goats;
• selling;
Name of HH | Number of livestock in the best time | What time is the best time | Number of livestock in end of 2007 | ||
cattle | sheep | Cattle | Sheep | ||
Wu Shuanzhu | | 70 | Around 2002 | | 6 |
Bai Jingui | | Morethan 200 | 1998 | More than 30 | 0 |
Hao laote | 30(Cattle plus Horse) | Morethan 200 | Around 2002 | 30(Horse) | 0 |
Lishan | 6-7 | 120 | Around 2000 | Around 20 | 0 |
Baoshan | 8 | 20 | Not know | 8 | 0 |
Mao Naohai | 14-15 | 0 | Not know | 6 | 30 |
yinshan | Not know | Not know | Not know | Not know | 9 |
Nadamuer | 20 | 50 | Around 2000 | 18 | 50 |
Jin Gaotao | 10 | 260 | 2002 | 6 | 50 |
Bao Bagena | 15-16 | | Around 2002 | | 60 |
Bi Lige | 15 | 50 | 2000-2002 | 10 | |
Bao Jinhu | 60 | 280 | 2000-2001 | 30 | 60 |
Zhou 73 | 30 | 200 | Around 2005 | 30 | 40 |
How the local governments’ concern changed?
Local governments’ concerns changed to conservation and adopt the policy on grazing ban because:
n Livestock would not contribute to local fiscal income after the exemption of livestock taxation;
n Pressure from up government and recentralized conservation;
n Conservation provided the opportunity of rent seeking;
How the education and health care caused poverty
Case 1: Wu Shuanzhu had bronchitis for about 20 years. He had loans to develop sheep raising and achieved 70 sheep in the best year. He could sell about 20 to 30 lambs every year. With the income from lambs, he could maintain his life. But his sick got more serious. He borrowed 2000 CNY to go to hospital. With his normal income from selling lambs, he could not afford the cost for his health treatment. The only option for him was to sell his livestock. His son, Wu Ritu, was in high school. He must sell sheep for his tuition and living cost in school. After few years, Wu Ritu should have marriage and then, Wu Shuanzhu should sell more sheep for the wedding. In 2007, Wu Shuanzhu should have 1000 CNY for his sick and 3000 CNY for his daughter tuition and living cost in high school. Almost all sheep were sold already. In the end of 2007, Wu Shuanzhu had only 6 sheep. Living for his son, Wu Ritu, was not easy. After marriage, he separated from his father’s household. After his son born, his households had 3 member, but farmland allocated to his household was only his allocation, 8 MU. He should borrow money for fertilizer and seed in spring and repay debt with 40-50% interest in autumn. He found a job in a liquors factory, where he had 900 CNY per month. With the salary from factory, he maintained balance in his daily life.
Case 2: Baoshan’s living was more difficult. Probably as the result of consanguineous marriage, his son had serious sick with his legs and could not work. Almost all of his livestock were sold already and owe 6000 CNY debts. He was frustrated because he didn’t know when he could repay the debts.
Case 3: Mao Naohai’s family was also disturbed by sick. His wife had sick in her heart and could not work. Few years before, Mao Naohai had fracture in his leg and spent lot of money. In 2007, his son, Shuangshan had fracture either. They not only spent money, but time to go hospital. They rent 100 MU (about 6
Case 4: Yinshan may be the most difficult in the village. He could not work for long time. They spent all of their income for his father. When his father died, his mother was in heart sick. To have health care for his mother, he sold all of his animals. He was a disable man and his wife had heart sick. The output of farmland could not provide enough grain they need. They totally relied on the minimum guarantee allowances. It was small.
Continuing drought has broken balance of the venerable livelihood in the agro-pastoral area ;
The policy on conservation aggravated their difficulties;
And cost in education and health care made them fall in extremely poverty.
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