在社区与草原管理方面,傅丽通过分析草原管理项目中的各利益相关者的影响,提出由于利益的分化和内部的权力关系,地方参与可能同时具有积极和消极的作用,当地人在发展中的作用需要考虑其对不同利益相关者的各种影响,资源分配的评估是达到公正的发展同时又令地方参与更加有效的关键。付娆通过四川省松潘县一个半农半牧村和一个纯牧村对比案例,研究了放牧制度和社区管理等因素对草场可持续利用的实际影响,肯定了“承包到户、联合放牧”的放牧制度和传统的社区管理模式的作用。张鹤巾在文章中分析了目前政府在牧区广泛推广的奶牛合作社存在的问题,她从组织决策的角度,分析了在“合作社”这个政府推动的集体行动中,奶农和乡村精英作为自由行动者的权力和行为选择,以解释合作社集体行动所遇到的困境。Andreas Wilkes等在其文章中指出了草原管理中存在的“社区迷信”,通过四川省红原县的两个社区的放牧制度案例说明了以社区为基础的草地管理不见得是可持续的管理。
在移民方面,荀丽丽对内蒙某旗的生态移民案例进行研究,认为“生态移民”是一个国家权力深入地方社区的过程,是一个以国家权力为核心的推动力量将传统族群纳入到现代化进程当中的过程 。张倩基于锡林郭勒某乡的案例调查,认为目前生态移民项目的普遍失败,一方面是我国政治体制本身和地方基层政府的特性所造成的,另一方面,移民由于生计的压力往往会回归牧区,通过原有的社会网络来利用资源,反而造成草场使用的混乱,在不确定的和多变的政策下,各相关利用群体采取短视的行为。夏循祥考察了阿拉善地区的生态移民政策,认为该政策忽视了当地生态退化是宏观调控政策失当和市场经济过分掠夺的结果,而简单地以农代牧,造成更为严重的生态恶化,指出蒙族游牧文明及传统生产生活方式有益于保护当地的生态平衡。史俊宏等在其文章中通过文献总结和内蒙古乌拉特中旗的实地调查,分析了草原牧区生态移民的可持续性问题。
Summary of “Changes in Grassland Environment and Livelihood of Herders” Session
The session of “Changes in Grassland Environment and Livelihood of Herders” was organized by Center for Rural Environmental Social Studies (CRESS),
The papers and presentations were divided into six sections: property rights of grassland, traditional culture, community and grassland management, Migration, sustainable development of pastoral area, and grassland policies and herders’ livelihood.
In the section of property rights of grassland, Gai Zhiyi et al pointed out that there are three asymmetric on the Pastoral Land Ownership in China: asymmetric between the collective ownership and state ownership of land in pastoral area, the asymmetric on operation rights among collective members and the asymmetric between clarifying property rights and incentive to grassland conservation; Yangli demonstrate the two inequalities in China’s grassland institution, emphasized that it is the key problem in the transformation of current institution to ensure the poor herders’ opportunity equity to benefit of and to avoid the deprivation of their rights to use the grassland. Zhang Qian conducted comparative surveys in East Uzhumuchin Banner and Sunit Left Banner and Sunit Right Banner to compare the impacts of “Household Responsibility System” on grassland animal husbandry in different types of grassland. She emphasized that when understanding herders and grassland and making policies, it is important to consider the characteristics of local ecosystems and consider the herders and livestock as parts of the system. In his paper, Adelihan Yesihan discussed the importance of grassland property systems, the history of grassland property system in Xinjiang since the foundation of P.R.C. and the challenges present property system facing. Wang Jianbin et al conducted a case study in
The section of traditional culture mainly involved in the value and role of traditional culture and the relationship between modern and tradition. Enkhe introduced the traditional
In the section of community and grassland management, Fu Li analyzed the impacts of stakeholders on a grassland management program in Inner Mongolia, suggested that local participation could have both positive and negative impacts because of diverse interests and internal power relationships, the role of local people in the development process needs to be mapped with regard to their various impacts of different stakeholders. She believed with an assessment of resource allocation as key to achieving just development processes and simultaneously making local participation more effective. Through a comparative case study in a semi-agricultural semi-pastoral village and a pure pastoral village in Songpan county, Sichuan Province, Fu Rao studied the impacts of factors such as grazing institutions and community management on the sustainable use of grassland, which study affirmed the role of ‘grassland contracted to individual household and grazing in joint-household system’ and traditional community management mode. Zhang Hejin analyzed the problems in the ‘Dairy Cow Coordinate’ widely promoted by the government in her paper. From the organization decision-making's angle, she regarded the coordinate as a collective action initiated by the government, sought for the reason of difficulties the coordinate meets through analyses the authority and behavior choices of both milk farmers and village elites as the free movers in this collective action. Andreas Wilkes et al pointed out in their paper that there existed a ‘myth of community’ in current grassland management. Through two grazing case studies in
In the section of migrants, Xun Lili conducted a case study in ecological migrants in a Banner of Inner Mongolia. She believed that Ecological migration is a process that the state and global capitalism penetrate into the local communities, a process that an ethnic group is incorporated into the modernization project. Zhang Qian, based on a case study in a township in Xinlingol League in
The section of sustainable development for pastoral area mainly focused on the technology aspects. Chai Jun et al. studied the driving factors for the degradation in Alta grassland in Xinjiang through PPR method. Dong Shikui et al discussed the negative impacts of global change on the sustainable development of pastoral area in his paper, including the collapse of pastoral production system, erosion of pastoral civilization and loss of pastoral ethno-cultural diversity. Tang Xin surveyed the industry structure of two villages in
In the section of grassland policies and livelihood of herders, topics were more open. Topics related to current grassland policies and herders’ livelihood were discussed. Wang Xiaoyi discussed the impacts of persistent drought on local livelihood and whether current measures to coop with drought worked well for the long term perspective in his paper. Based on a case case study in Horqin Sandy Land, he suggested that the poverty has been more serious because of drought, it increased the production cost for rich herders, but broken the vulnerable balance in poor households; the uneven distribution of resource in household brought more social problems in the community; the wrong means to cope with drought, which focused on property and ecological compensation, would intensify the poverty problem in pastoralist. Bai Yongli et al took the case of Zheng Xiang Bai Banner, Xilingol League, Inner Mongolia as an example, explored the transformation resulted from the ecological restoration approaches which were mainly through ‘enclosure and forbidden grazing, concentration and migration, intensive operation’. She analyzed the cause and effects of such transformation and the herders’ attitudes and behaviors response to the transformation. Liao Zujun introduced his survey about the enclosure and settlement policies in Songpan County and Yajiang County in Sichuan; analyzed the synthesis impacts of these policies on grassland’s property institution, grazing mode and herder’ livelihood. He Yuan et al introduced her surveys about the grassland protection consciousness of herders’ living in Hexi area Gansu, based on which she analyzed the factors that affect the consciousness. Alatan Baolige analyzed the history and process of a pastoral Gacha in Xiliaohe River Drainage Basin gradually changed into a agricultural village in his paper, based on historical records and field survey. He emphasized that it is important to consider the ecological environmental characters and the constraining and adapting between livelihood and ecological environment.
The discussions of the session started from current situation of grassland degradation, poverty of herders and change of grassland use and from the policies and institutions such as Household Responsibility System, Ecological Resettlement, Rest and Forbidden Grazing. The focal points included: (1) Grassland property right system. Scholars discussed the effective mode of property right system, functions and shortages of current Household Responsibility System in grassland area, especially the objects, effects and social and ecological impacts of fencing. (2) The role of community self-organized management and local knowledge in grassland management, focusing on the relationship between the local self-organized management and policies and grass roots administrative structures. (3) Role of the government in ecological protection and management in grassland. (4) Identity of the grassland and its functions, emphasizing the ecological services and cultural functions. The problems about ecological compensation were discussed as well. (5)Causes of grassland degradation, especially about the impacts of grazing on grassland ecology and ecological degradation.
This session covered the researches in the main pastoral areas in
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