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- 话语中的“农民” 2015-04-16
- 发展中的贫困与贫困影响评价 2015-04-16
- 草原法是草原牧民的大法 刘书润 2011-04-13
- 长江上游高原牧区绿色GDP体系构建探讨 邓林 2010-09-18
- Why Community-Based Grassland Management Failed in Desert Grassland 张倩 2010-04-14
- Undermining grassland management through centralized environmental policies in Inner Mongolia 王晓毅 2010-04-13
- The dilemma of conserving rangeland in development Zhang Qian 2010-04-09
- Local people A role needs to be further identified in thedevelopment process Fu Li 2010-04-09
- Community-Base Sandland Conservation The Practice and Reflection in Pifang Village Wang Xiaoyi 2010-04-09
- Community-Base Sandland Conservation The Practice and Reflection in Pifang Village 王晓毅 2009-12-23
- 利用社区基金促进参与式草原管理 CDF and grassland management 韩伟 2009-12-23
- Ecological Resettlement Policies Increase Herder Vulnerability and Poverty Du Fachun 2009-12-23
- 新时期草原管理与政策取向 王毅 2009-12-23
- 被误读的生态系统 李文军 2009-12-23
- 澳大利亚草原牧民对资源变化的应对(会议录音) CRESS 2009-11-25
- 放牧制度、社区管理与草场可持续利用研究 付娆 2009-09-19
- 草原生态治理中的权力建构 荀丽丽 2009-09-18
- 在发展中保护草原的困境:对内蒙古一个城镇的移民计划的研究 张倩(瑞典) 2009-09-18
- 半农半牧区草原政策与草原生态保护 何苑 2009-09-18
- 当地人-发展话语中需要进一步识别的角色 傅丽 2009-09-18
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