Zhan Shaohua
PhD in sociology (The Johns Hopkins University) Assistant Research Professor, Center for Rural Environmental Social Studies, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Main research areas: migration, rural development, international comparative development, labor studies and historical sociology. Address: No. 5 Jiannei Dajie, Beijing, China 100732 Email: zhansh@cass.org.cn |
2013. “Rural Roots of Current Migrant Labor Shortage in China: Development and Labor Empowerment in a Situation of Incomplete Proletarianization”. Studies in Comparative International Development No. 48, pp. 81-111. (First author, with Lingli Huang)
2013. “Industrialization and the City, East and West,” pp.645-663 in Peter Clark, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Cities in History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Ho-fung Hong)
2011.“What Determines Migrant Workers’ Life Chances in Contemporary China? Hukou, Social Exclusion, and the Market”. Modern China, Volume 37, Issue 3, pp. 243 - 285.
2008. “Migrant Workers’ Remittances and Rural Development in China,” pp. 219-244 in Josh DeWind and Jennifer Holdaway, eds., Migration and Development Within and Across Borders: Research and Policy Perspectives on Internal and International Migration. New York: The Social Science Research Council. (with Ping Huang).
2005.“Rural Labour Migration in China: Challenges for Policies”. UNESCO MOST Policy Papers, No.10. Paris: UNSECO.
2005. “Internal Migration in China: Linking it to Development”. pp. 65-84 in Migration, Development and Poverty Reduction in Asia. Geneva: International Organization for Migration. (with Ping Huang)
2004. “Preventing the Social Exclusion of Migrant Workers: A New Perspective on Rural Development in China,” pp.9-43 in Andrzej Rosner, ed., Problems of Village and Agriculture during Market Reorientation of the Economy. Warsaw, Poland: IRWiR PAN.
2011. “Labor Migration and Social Conflicts in Western Ethnic Regions of China,” pp. in Ping Huang, ed., Glocalization: Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Western China. Beijing: Economy & Management Publishing House. (First author, with Lingli Huang)
2009. “Labor Migration and New Urban Poverty,” pp.119-151 in Xiaoyi Wang and Chunhua Ma eds. Qualitative Poverty Assessment in Rural China: From Theoretical Perspectives. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.
2009. “Livelihood Risks, Social Policy and Social Development in Rural China,” pp.185-220 in Xiaoyi Wang and Chunhua Ma eds. Qualitative Poverty Assessment in Rural China: From Theoretical Perspectives. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.
2009. “Case Studies from Inner Mongolia,” pp.183-346 in Xiaojun Zhang and Chunhua Ma eds. Qualitative Poverty Assessment in Rural China: Cases from Gansu and Inner Mongolia. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.
2006. “Poverty Reduction among Migrant Workers: an Analytical Model and Policy Practice,” pp.1-38 in Ping Huang and Genevieve Domenach-Chich eds., Poverty Reduction Among Migrant Workers: Urban Problems and Policy Orientation. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.
2006. “Community Rebuilding for Migrant Workers: An Active Project/Policy Measure,” Pp.39-53 in Ping Huang and Genevieve Domenach-Chich eds, Poverty Reduction Among Migrant Workers: Urban Problems and Policy Orientation. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.
2006. “NGOs and Rural Migrant Workers: the Chinese Experiences,” pp.369-385 in Fang Cai and Nansheng Bai, eds., Labor Migration in Transitional China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press. (with Jialing Han)
2005. “Exploring Ideas on Management and Services for Migrant Laborers in China.” Youth Studies, the volume of 2005, No.5, pp. 25-32.
2005. “How to Understand Poverty among Migrant Workers.” CASS Review, No.95.
2004. “Land for Social Security: A Possible Way to Deal with the Problem of Landless Peasants in China.” Hongqi Wengao, No.8, pp. 34-37. (With Tang Jun and Zhang Shifei)
2003. “Decisions and Marginalization of Relocated Low-Income Urban Residents: a Study of Two Neighborhoods in Beijing.” Social Policy Review, No. 4, pp. 1-40.
Address: Jianguomen Nei Avenue 5, Beijing, China. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Sociology, Room 1065
Tele: 86-10-85195561 Email: cress@cass.org.cn